Hemorrhoids Treatment
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Hemorrhoids Q & A
If you’re embarrassed about your hemorrhoids, don’t be. Hemorrhoids affect 3 of 4 people at some point in their life. Hemorrhoids don’t always cause discomfort, but if they’re affecting your everyday life, it may be time to consider removal. Joseph F. Popovich, MD, FACS, in Jersey City, New Jersey, is an expert general surgeon who can remove your hemorrhoids using noninvasive techniques. Call today or book a consultation online.
What are hemorrhoids?
Also referred to as piles, hemorrhoids are swollen veins that develop in your anus or rectum. They’re a common problem that develops from a number of causes, such as:
- Straining during a bowel movement
- Sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time
- Carrying too much weight
- Not eating enough fiber
Pregnant women are also at risk of developing hemorrhoids, as well as older adults.
What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
You may or may not develop symptoms with hemorrhoids. Common symptoms include:
- Bright red blood in your stool
- Itching, irritation, or swelling around your anus
- Painful lump at your anus
Symptoms vary depending on the type of hemorrhoid you have.
Internal hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids are found inside your rectum and usually don’t cause any discomfort, although they may bleed during a bowel movement.
External hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids develop around the outside of your anus and can become itchy and irritated.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids
Thrombosed hemorrhoids are the most bothersome and cause severe pain. They form when a clot develops in your external hemorrhoid, which then becomes swollen, inflamed, and hard.
How are hemorrhoids removed?
Dr. Popovich, an expert surgeon, uses noninvasive techniques to remove hemorrhoids, so you have limited downtime and a quick recovery. He can determine if you’re a candidate for hemorrhoid removal after an examination and review of your medical history. If he can remove your hemorrhoids, Dr. Popovich will review the treatment with you, how to prepare, and what to expect during recovery.
What can I do to prevent hemorrhoids?
Keeping your stools soft to prevent straining when you have a bowel movement may be the most effective treatment to prevent hemorrhoids from developing. Filling your diet with foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans may help soften your stools. But when adding fiber to your diet, go slowly and drink plenty of water to prevent constipation.
You also want to avoid sitting on the toilet for too long and limit straining during a bowel movement. Being active also helps reduce constipation and pressure on your veins.
If your hemorrhoids are making life difficult for you and you’d like them removed, call Dr. Popovich’s office for a consultation, or book an appointment online.